Project PAKETO

Paketo” is a Single on Spotify featuring EfLo and Skal, two rising rap artists from Greece. They really put their heart and soul into their music. The first time I heard “Paketo“, I instantly had a picture in my mind of what the cover should look like. Skal had this cool idea, and together, we figured out the exact vibe we wanted the cover to have. It had to match the song’s feel perfectly. We worked together to make sure the cover art would tell the song’s story just right, making “Paketo” more than just a song—it’s an experience.

  • Starting with a Big Idea: We wanted the cover to tell a story about growing up. So we picked a cigarette pack, which kind of represents being all grown up, and also matches the title PAKETO.

“That pack is like the main character in our story – it’s all about getting older and the things we go through.”

  • Background drawings: Then, I surrounded it with kids’ drawings like the ones you’d find in a kid’s notebook. This was my way of throwing it back to those simple days of being a kid.

“Those little drawings around the edges? They’re like echoes of laughter from the playground.”

  • Feeling It: We didn’t just want you to look at this cover; I wanted you to feel it. To remember your own stories from when you were younger as you listen to the tunes.

“This isn’t just a picture; it’s a time machine that takes you back with every look.”

  • The Final Polish: In the end, I made sure this image would pop out at you among all the other covers on Spotify. I wanted it to be something special, something that would stick with you.

“I made sure it wasn’t just another face in the crowd.”

Desktop: 1920x1080

“Making “Paketo” was like telling a story where you can see the music. I wanted you to feel something special when you see the cover and hit play. It’s all about that connection, making sure you get the vibe we felt creating it”

Sincerely Yours,
John Papazoglou

Spotify Cover: 3000x3000
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